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First publication COMET research

Wednesday, 01/07/2020

The first publication of the COMET research group is a fact. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP) published "COvid MEdicaTion (COMET) study: protocol for a cohort study" about the first results. In both mainstream media and medical literature, various theories have circulated about ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in relation to severe acute respiratory failure in SARS-CoV-2 and clinical outcomes of COVID-19. Clinical evidence for the relationship between medication and clinical outcomes of patients with COVID-19 is urgently needed. To this end, data from patients from all over Europe are collected in a user-friendly database built by Digitalis Rx. The outcome of the study will allow more rational choices in control studies for preventive and therapeutic strategies in COVID-19.

As questions remain open, research into the clinical course of COVID-19 will continue. To this end, the COMET research group is seeking cooperation from hospitals in missing European countries and countries with only one hospital represented in the study, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland and the UK.

‘COvid MEdicaTion (COMET) study: protocol for a cohort study’, EJHP, p. 191-193. (Roos S.G. Sablerolles, Freija E.F. Hogenhuis, Melvin Lafeber, Bob P.A. van de Loo, Sander D. Borgsteede, Eric Boersma, Jorie Versmissen, Hugo M. van der Kuy)

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